hizovas is hiring

Join the
Curious Herd

We are a bunch of passionate people who love technology! It's more of a club than office, come let's make work fun 🙂

Would you like to join
Hizovas Team?

Be a part of the team and enjoy perks like getting valued for your ideas, flexible timings, being part of the happy lot, good food, cool work environment, contstant PJs from the boss.

Challenging projects

Tickle your senses with weird client requests that need to be fulfilled.

Flixi working time

We belive in work being done in time not office timings.

Creative Outlet

We value ideas and creativity and ensure the implimentation.

Award winning team

Perhaps after you’ve joined us, we will win our first one.

Innovation at core

We keep making stuffs, breaking them and learning from.

    We are Looking for
    New Colleagues

    That empty corner seat haunts us… We are eagerly waiting for someone put life on that desk!

    Client's Worldwide
    012345678900123456789001234567890 +
    Awesome Projects
    Ideas in Motion
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    Great Service
    with Hizovas Team

    With great power comes great responsibilty. – Uncle Ben

    Although we dont have superpowers, however, what we do have is a team that is passionate about their work and love to help out thier clients wherever and whenever they can.


    Calvin Wilxcox

    Credibly innovate granular internal or organic sources whereas high standards in web-readiness.

    Lorene Howard

    Credibly innovate granular internal or organic sources whereas high standards in web-readiness.

    Beth Carver

    Credibly innovate granular internal or organic sources whereas high standards in web-readiness.

    Get In Touch

    Visit our agency or simply send us an email anytime you want. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Main Office
    26 South Purbachal Road
    P.O Haltu, Kolkata - 700 078
    Delivery Center
    438 Kalikapur, Eastend Park First Road
    Kolkata - 700 099
    Call us
    +91 9674747271
    +91 9903823424

    All Rights Reserved  | Hizovas Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | 2020 and Beyond
